
CLUTCH by auto/ONE - BC

Clutch is the sister-company of auto/one, the high-end alternative to your usual car dealership. What auto/one offers to guys, clutch does with females...for females. Their dealerships are in BC.

When it comes to improving consumer experiences, buying a car has a lot of room to improve. Clutch provides services to make the experience better..improved customer service, zero dealership footprint, full-day test-drives are all part of the deal. Not sure how their pricing compares to traditional dealerships.

I guess in the high-end used car market such services will be of value where price isn't the main purchase driver.

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FP - Small Biz

The National Post has started a dedicated weekly Small Business focus in their FP section (every Monday). I read the first one today and found it pretty interesting. I'm not a seasoned entrepreneur by any means, but I've read enough top-ten-rules or best ways to be a successful entrepreneur so that portion didn't really add much value for me. I imagine they are great for people who are thinking of starting something new.

We will see how wide of an area this section covers. No matter what, it's a good a good sign that it has started and it will be a great channel for startups to get exposure through.

The odd thing was that online, there wasn't much (any) promo about it.

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